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Update Google ChromeThe world, as we know of today, has evolved through three phase which we call primary, secondary and tertiary economies. Initally, in the primary economy stage, all activities were based on agriculture and related activities. Then came the industrial revolution and people started coming into cities for manufacturing and related activities/ industries. But with the advent of technology, manufacturing has largely automated and manufacturing costs have been consistently dropping over the ages. Today, you will not find people excited about setting up a manufacturing unit. Today is the time, when everything is oriented around the service industry, where the large sector today is the distribution industry. The No.1 company in the world today is not from manufacturing, or oil, or even software but Wallmart, which is involved in the business of distribution. India has a huge amount of population that falls into the middle class category, an approximate 312 million people. We would like to take this potential group and up their standard of living by showing them the means to earn and create wealth. This category can afford to have life cover benefits which will give their families stability, security.
Anmol Life is more than an income opportunity or a company or products. It’s about putting people in control of their lives. It’s about connecting people to others who respect them, who share their goals and aspirations. It’s about supporting people in their achievements. Anmol Life is about people connecting people to a better way of life. There is an unlimited earning potential provided to each and every individual regardless of their experience by presenting one of the best earning plans in this profession and to help everyone work independently by giving them financial freedom. Anmol Life products and services are marketed through Business Associates.
If you want to excel to newer heights and if you believe in yourself there is no better place than Anmol Life to develop your personality and wealth. Our compensation plan is the best in the industry. Anmol Life is the next generation financial vehicle and your road ahead to a complete financial independence. Provides conducive environment in which to live, work, achieve and grow. The Anmol Life Wellness (P) Ltd. recognizes, supports and expands freedom, which is both personal and economic. It gives the freedom to operate as independent business people and conduct a full-time or part time business. Hope gives us the power to transform our lives in positive ways. It is a force that allows us to envision dreams, establish goals, and achieve great things. By offering hope, we open windows of possibility for others, irrespective of social status, profession or educational background.